
We accept returns/exchanges on all items, within 30 days of receipt of your order. Please note all return items must be in their original condition, and in original packaging, with no sign of wear and tear.
If for whatever reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may initiate the return on our online portal by clicking here
  1. Wait for email instructions on how to return your items. Your items should be in their original condition, and packaging.
  2. Please ensure to keep the return tracking number on hand, as you will need to submit this to us.
Once we receive your package, we will inspect to ensure items are in original condition, and will process the exchange/refund according to your request within 3-5 business days. Please note if a refund is requested, it will take another 3-5 business days to be reflected back onto your payment method.
If you have any additional questions with regards to a return/exchange, please contact us at